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Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft

by Demonique 2023. 8. 20.

박스(망할 부등변 사각형 박스...)
주얼 케이스 앞표지
주얼 케이스 뒤표지(안쪽), "라라 크라프트"... ㄱ-)
주얼 케이스 뒤표지
디스크(왠지는 모르겠지만 디스크 라벨 이미지만 출력 품질이 이 따위...)
캐릭터 버튼(박스에 출력된 거랑 이미지가 다른 걸 보니 패키지마다 버튼 이미지가 랜덤일지도...)


Tomb Raider III - Adventures of Lara Croft (K) (300dpi) (Reg. Card).pdf


Tomb Raider III - Adventures of Lara Croft (K) (300dpi) (User Guide).pdf


Tomb Raider III - Adventures of Lara Croft (K) (300dpi) (Walkthrough).pdf


디스크 정보


Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft

툼레이더 III: 라라의 모험

Show/Hide Info
System IBM PC compatible
Media CD
Category Games
Region South Korea
Languages English
Edition Original
Errors count 0
Number of tracks 4
Write offset +2
8 803443 440165
Volume Label: ISO9660
Genre: Action-adventure
Series: Tomb Raider
Release Year: 1998

Track(s) | Cuesheet

# Type Pregap Length Sectors Size CRC-32 MD5 SHA-1
1 Data/Mode 1 00:00:00 60:42:24 273174 642505248 e4048536 4c194ff1aec64940bb1501ca959ba29a a97965ab990f384d5b5754941a063f56373753d0
2 Audio 00:00:00 14:49:51 66726 156939552 4da90e7a 4f5f54cd2c7ed9421883b8a400ac76c2 3ea692d64cf0360bd383cf2bcc8f4b9501b25bf6
3 Audio 00:00:00 00:23:00 1725 4057200 dc47aa49 21f3286e2132f6ad4a9257384cc35c58 c3fc1127fadd33b9a09fa6a272cfc50bd127ee26
4 Data/Mode 1 00:00:00 00:17:05 1280 3010560 e5359cca 1628e467c40fe23ffb2d0cda39709dd0 f14bfdca0d9739df207bb99fa8ec5584b9df9e9f
  Total   76:12:05 342905 806512560      


# Mastering Code (laser branded/etched) Toolstamp or Mastering Code (engraved/stamped) Write offset
1 CMRSD-S25-02-Z69 01 +2

Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD)

Record / Entry Contents Date Time GMT
Creation 31 39 39 38 31 32 32 30 31 34 30 30 32 38 30 30 20 1998-12-20 14:00:28.00 +08:00
Modification 31 39 39 38 31 32 32 30 31 34 30 30 32 38 30 30 20 1998-12-20 14:00:28.00 +08:00
Expiration 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00 0000-00-00 00:00:00.00 +00:00
Effective 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00 0000-00-00 00:00:00.00 +00:00
  Total: 68 bytes      
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